
공인중개사 수험생 여러분~

ilpoong5 2008. 10. 25. 15:15






제19회차 공인중개사 자격시험일이군요.

수험생 여러분.


시간조절 잘하시고 마킹 착오없게하시고

모든 수험생들께서 합격하시어

그동안 고생하신 보람을 찾으시길

진심으로 기원합니다!

저는 모두 잘하시길 빌며 조용한 휴일 보낼께요....*^=^*

- ilpoong5 -





Don't Expect Me To Be Your Friend

- Lobo

I stopped sending flowers to your apartment
You said you aren't at home much anymore
I stopped dropping by without an appointment
Cause I'd hear laughter coming through your door

Sometimes late at night you'll still call me
Just before you close your eyes to sleep
You make me vow to try and stop by sometime
But Baby that's a promise I can't keep

I love you too much to ever start liking you
So lets just let the story kinda end
I love you too much to ever start liking you
So don't expect for me to be your friend

I don't walk down through the village or other places
That we used to go to all the time
I'm trying to erase you from my memory
Cause thinking of you jumbles up my mind

I love you too much to ever start liking you
So lets just let the story kinda end
I love you too much to ever start liking you
So don't expect for me to be your friend

You always act so happy when I see you
You smile that way you take my hand and then
Introduce me to your latest lover
That's when I feel the walls start crashing in

I love you too much to ever start liking you
So lets just let the story kinda end
I love you too much to ever start liking you
So don't expect for me to be your friend

가사 출처 : Daum뮤직


'일기장' 카테고리의 다른 글

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